Unreal 5 / IONIQ 5
Unreal 5 / IONIQ 5
I love the design of the Hyundai IONIQ 5, which is why I wanted to use it to translate my visualization skills from Unity 3D to Unreal Engine.
In detail
All videos and screenshots were entirely rendered in Unreal Engine. The IONIQ 5 and the wind turbine are free models while Quixel assets and free tree models from the Epic Marketplace were used for kitbashing. For the lighting and sky FX, the Ultra Dynamic Sky plugin came into play. The concrete room was speed modeled in 3ds Max and textured in Substance Painter.
Everything you see here was inspired by commercials/other forms of media and took me between 3-5 regular business days to put together.
Unreal Engine, 3ds Max, Substance Painter, Photoshop, After Effects